Assistant Professor Dr. Raad Adnan Raouf
Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq
Email: [email protected]
DOI: 10.23918/ICABEP2019p16
(Full Paper)

Nowadays with the technological development witnessed by the world, marketers are trying to exploit the opportunities imposed by the evolving reality as a result of the use of modern technology while at the same time overcoming the obstacles and difficulties created by the development at present. Online marketing refers to a range of marketing activities aimed at creating value for the customer using modern technologies. And according to the fact that around 4 billion use various internet sites to complete daily transactions to realize the importance of online marketing in various sectors, one of which is the tourism sector. Online marketing in the tourism industry can help marketers to communicate with customers and show them the tourist sites and tourism services and hotels easily compared to traditional marketing. As well as tourism is one of the industries that is most affected by online marketing. tourism and travel companies are used online marketing in various activities in order to provide the best services to their customers. Previous research highlighted the main obstacles to online marketing in the local tourism industry and the opportunities that can resolve them in the short to medium term. In addition, this research represented a comparison between traditional marketing and online marketing. The examined sample consist of (30) tourism and travelling firms in Mosul Governorate which have been randomly selected, survey research used to collect data which has been analyzed with the help of various statistical tools and techniques. The findings show there is the weakness of tourism awareness among the target audience, while the main opportunities are the steady increase in turnout in local and foreign tourism after the spread of social media sites.

Keywords: Online Marketing, Social Media

International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics and Politics

ISBN: 978-9922-9036-3-7
