Proudly, we would like to announce that for Dr. M. Numan Kanar was assigned the Minsitry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for teaching Pedagogical Formation Courses for university teachers in the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Dr. M. Numan Kanar

      Dr. M. Numan Kanar Academic at Education Faculty

This program will be carried out by Salahaddin University on behalf of the government. However, the Ministry granted our successful academic Dr. Kanar with teaching privilege of the course named ‘Testing and Assessment’. Dr. Kanar will be the only academic from outside Salahaddin University who will be teaching in this program.

The program will be an extensive program and the instructors who cannot complete will not be allowed to teach in any higher education institution.

We wish Dr. Kanar success as well as all other instructors and participants.


P.S. Dr. M. Numan Kanar is one of the successful academics in the Faculty of Education at Tishk International University since 2009.

Prepared by Editor-in-Chief
March 16, 2015