The future vision of this department is to go beyond the local and regional accreditation to an international one and to initiate the postgraduate programs in the relevant disciplines.
The Mission of the Petroleum and Mining Engineering B.Sc. degree program is to prepare students for employment and active involvement in various petroleum and mining-related areas and the pursuit of advanced degrees in petroleum and mining engineering by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge and laboratory/field techniques and skills in the various related disciplines such as prospecting, reservoir development, drilling, production and mineral exploitation


  • To be a world-class provider of education and research for the oil and gas industry
  • To play a leadership role in providing new technologies in order to increase the petroleum and mining reserves of the country.


Within a few years of study, the Petroleum and Mining Engineering program graduates will be:

  •       Graduates will be competent in critical questioning and analysis of petroleum and mining engineering issues.
  •       Graduates will be able to apply engineering principles and practices for the safe and efficient exploration, development, production, transportation and management of petroleum and mineral resources.
  •      Graduates will have the ability to design and conduct experiments related to the petroleum and mining issues.
  •      Graduates will be prepared for oil and mining careers in industry.
  •      Graduates will have the ability to integrate key science and engineering problems and challenges in a practical environment.