On December 28, Monday, 2020, Physics education department organized the 4th International Nanotechnology Workshop (Online). Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year the workshop will be online through zoom. There will be 6 Keynote speakers for the workshop.   

It will start at 10.00 AM on Monday 28, 2020. There will be two sessions. One session from 10.00 to 12.10 AM, and then a rest time from 12.25 to 14.00 AM, and the second session from 14.00 to 16.00 AM. The detailed schedule and the zoom link to join to the workshop is given below. 

You can reach the program schedule, presentation titles and Keynote speakers from the “4th International Nanotechnology Workshop Program” and “4th International Nanotechnology Workshop Abstract Booklet”  Click the links below to see the program and abstract book.

4th International Nanotechnology Workshop Program

4th International Nanotechnology Workshop -NW-4-Abstract-Booklet

Please note: 

  1. Everybody is welcome to join to the 4th International Nanotechnology Workshop. There is NO REGISTRATION, and it is FREE.  
  2. CERTIFICATION for attendees: At the end of each session alink will be published for the certificate form. The attendees should submit the form to get an online certificate. The certificate will be provided in a few days after the workshop to the email addresses of the attendees. Please fill up the form correctly to receive a Nanotechnology workshop certificate.   
  3. Be informed that the program was scheduled according to Baghdad Time Zone.   
  4. This program will be performed online, therefore depending on technical issues the schedule can be changed.   

Please Click the Zoom Link Below:

Physics Education-TIU is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 4th International Nanotechnology Workshop NW-4

Time: Dec 28, 2020 10:00 AM Baghdad

Join Zoom Meeting


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Meeting ID: 989 3828 7579

Passcode: 300385

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