Milad Malko Master of Business and Management Defense


The first cycle of joint master program between TIU and Salahaddin Universty, Master Student Master of Business and Management in the Faculty of Administrative and Sciences (Milad Malko Nuh) has successfuly presented his thesis to the scientific committee. On August 25, 2020, Milad Malko has presented the thesis entitled (Green Human Resource Management Practices Effect on Sustainability of Oil and Gas Companies in Kurdistan) to the scientific committee members. The thesis was supervised by Dr. Fatih Cura. The defense session was held at Education Building Room No. 302. He has presented her thesis and after the evaluations of the jury members, [...]

Milad Malko Master of Business and Management Defense2020-10-06T11:47:32+03:00

First master defense of Computer Engineering


Two years ago, Tishk International University opened the first joint master program with the public universities. The program was allowed by the ministry of higher education & scientific research, KRG since TIU was ranked in the top first group of the national university ranking (NUR). On June 19, 2020, in the presence of Dr. Idris Hadi Salih, President of TIU, guests, and master defense committee members, Ahmad Nadhmi Hama Salih presented his master thesis successfully under the title of (DETECTING EARLY PARKINSON'S DISEASE VIA COMPUTER KEYBOARD INTERACTION BY USING MACHINE LEARNING). He was the first student to present his master defense in the Computer [...]

First master defense of Computer Engineering2020-10-06T11:48:07+03:00

President of TIU spoken about the alternatives for opening new academic year 2020-2021


President of Tishk International University (TIU), Dr. Idris Hadi Salih, and President of Halabja University, Dr. Mihabad Kamil, were a host of Rudaw TV on August 29, 2020. Dr. Idris gave a brief about how TIU successfully achieved to start the online education and complete the academic year of 2019-2020. Concerning the new academic year, there are some alternatives, and TIU made all the necessary preparations. The gate of campuses was closed due to COV 19, and right now, the ministry of higher education in KRG studies the alternatives on how to reopen the campus doors. Dr. Idris declared the TIU’s [...]

President of TIU spoken about the alternatives for opening new academic year 2020-20212020-10-06T11:49:02+03:00
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