Tishk International University Introduction

Human is in the journey of the life. A better future is the biggest target of human against flying of time so fast. One of the light sources of the life journey is Tishk International University, too.  Tishk International University started to build enlightened future in 2008.

Moving from the location in the 60th Meter Street in Arbil which is the Capital of Iraq Kurdistan Regional Government to its new Campus on the 100th Meter Street in 2010, Tishk International University is on its way with great goals. Appreciated by the authorities for its successes, University has the characteristics of an institution having a pioneering role in the most advancement.

Tishk International University in which the language of education is English builds the future with its 25 Departments in 6 Faculties that are mostly demanded in this era. Students stepping their first paces at Tishk International University are given 1 year of English language preparation courses by the professional teachers if they are incapable of English Proficiency Exam. Students are provided with the highest level of English in company with the expert lecturers.

Depending on the interest and wish, students are given chance to continue their preparation courses in the USA. Besides English, the opportunity of Turkish learning is also offered to the students. The university accepting research and development as a mission for a high quality education uses every means of the modern education available for its students. Students experience the distinction of education in the classes with projectors and smart boards. At Tishk International University, the milestones of the future are paved by the blend of trust, security, peace, knowledge and quality.

“Let’s build a better future together.”

You can find the introductory movies in the following links below as Turkish, Kurdish, English and Arabic respectively: