Tishk International University Programs which has been Internationally Accredited:

Most of the Bachelor Programs at Tishk International University have been internationally accredited at Tishk International University, they are:

  1. The Bachelor Program of Civil Engineering
  2. The Bachelor Program of Law
  3. The Bachelor Program of Computer Engineering
  4. The Bachelor Program of Information Technology
  5. The Bachelor Program of English Language Teaching
  6. The Bachelor Program of Mathematics Education
  7. The Bachelor Program of Biology Education
  8. The Bachelor Program of Physics Education
  9. The Bachelor Program of Architecture Engineering
  10. The Bachelor Program of Interior Design
  11. The Institutional Accreditatio
  12. The Bachelor Program of Mechatronics Engineering
  13. The Bachelor Program of Medical Analysis
  14. The Bachelor Program of Nursing


Additionally, Tishk International University has obtained Institutional Accreditation for its Quality System.

Accreditation Procedures in Process:

The following Accreditation procedures are currently in process:

  • The Program Accreditation for the Bachelor Program of Dentistry and the Bachelor Program of Pharmacy by the German Agency AHPGS. The Self Report has been prepared and submitted for review.
  • The Program Accreditation for the Bachelor Program of Business Management and the Bachelor Program of Accounting by the German Agency FIBAA: The proposal is approved, and the contract is signed. The process is in the first stage.
  • The Re-Accreditation for the Bachelor Program of Civil Engineering by the German Agency ASIIN: The Self Report has been prepared and submitted for review.
  • The Re-Accreditation for the Bachelor Program of Petroleum and Mining Engineering by the German Agency ASIIN: The Self Report has been prepared and submitted for review.
  • The Program Re-Accreditation for the Bachelor Program of Computer Engineering and the Bachelor Program of IT by the German Agency ASIIN: The proposal is approved, and the contract is signed. The process is in the first stage.
  • The Program Re-Accreditation for the Bachelor Program of Law by the Arabic Agency AARU: The proposal is approved, and the contract is signed. The process is in the first stage.
  • The Program Re-Accreditation for the Bachelor Programs of English Language Teaching, Math Education, Physics Education, Biology Education, and Computer Education by the British Agency ASIC: The process is in the first stage.