Two years ago, Tishk International University opened the first joint master program with the public universities. The program was allowed by the ministry of higher education & scientific research, KRG, since TIU was ranked in the top first group of the national university ranking (NUR).

On June 28,29, 2020, in the presence of Dr. Idris Hadi Salih, President of TIU, both Vice presidents, guests, and master defense committee members, Alameen Hamd Jasm and Hozan Himdad were the second and third students to present their master thesis. Both are students of Civil Engineering department, the joint master program of Engineering Faculty was opened in collaboration with the Erbil polytechnic University EPU.

Due to the pandemic of COVID 19, all the necessary precautions and health instructions were followed and applied by the TIU administration. The students’ thesis was accepted successfully, and the master defense committee congratulated the students for their efforts during the year of their studying. TIU wish all the success for our students and wish them a bright future.